Sunday, 13 June 2010

This project has been very fragmented due to my original set space getting cut. I am disappointed not to have continued with this challenging design project however it has taught me to be more pushy with future projects and next year I want to realise a live design brief. The buying for the show gave me a chance to take on a role similar to a supervisor, this has confirmed my desire to take on a supervising position next year. I have become more aware of my strengths during this buying position and realise I am more of a practical worker and strive off the collaboration with others. In the future I would rather work on live projects like this one that involve physical and practical work rather than doing a reclusive design project that I find isolating. Buying was a challenge, as I had to fit all the shopping in and adhere to everyone demands whilst simultaneously working out the budget restraints. I enjoyed the position however I wanted to have more control over the other areas of the show such as organising the costume rails; interacting with the actors, I am disappointed that I did not take on a more major role. I would have rather concentrated all my attention on a larger position such a supervising than try to tackle lots of little projects at the same time. I have gained confidence in my ability to manage large quantities of money, I now believe that I can be given the responsibility to take charge of the financial side to live show, this is going to be very beneficial to me when taking on other buying or supervising roles, and I will use my new found skills in work experience at the National Theatre. Curating the exhibition was not something I would have chosen for my self-directed project, however I found it rewarding in the end. It was a consolation prize for not being able to realise my set design, I enjoyed the buying process for the exhibition however I was not able to achieve everything I wanted due to the budget. I was demonstrative in my approach to the exhibition process and fought to get enough money to buy some quality frames even if this did mean the designers only exhibited two designs. I wanted the exhibition to be quality not quantity and I think this is reflected in the final result. I am disappointed with the lack of respect and attention that was given to the exhibition space, as a fellow designer I would expect my graduate work to be admired and not made feel as though it is an after thought. The audience was ushered though and past the exhibition, which was out of my control and neatly sums up the disorganised nature of my fragmented self directed project. Though this seems very negative I have enjoyed the flexibility of my project and feel I have benefited more form its diversity and the wrong goings than I would have doing a smooth running comfortable project. I was inspired by the task to dress the helping hands it enabled me to engage with some of the actors making me crave a larger supervising position in the show. I overcame some of my fears such as measuring actors; as a designer I am out of practice and this has made me realise that next year I want to get more involved with the fitting processes in a live show in order to develop my skills as an all round supervisor. The poster was a fresh and exciting challenge that I used to express my creativity, as a practical designer I find it easier to show my abilities through action and collaboration. The success of the poster has given me more confidence with my ability to direct others in a team and encouraged me take on a design position on a film next year. Even though I didn’t decide the costume I did design the look and aesthetic of the poster and this is essentially what a designer does which I am pleased to have learnt. I will take this realisation into my third year by developing my confidence as a hands-on designer and not being afraid of the design process. This diverse self-directed project was a good learning curve having to juggle of a million tasks at once; it has prepared me for a more demanding supervising role, which is my main aim for developing my skills next year.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The fitting week was a challange as the buyer, I had to be very proactive and it has helped my organization skills as i have been juggling my buying with the being at uni and liasing with the supervisors from all the costume sections. The job is broad and I find myself learning the roles of a supervisor which is important for me as i a keen to take on more supervising roles. The challange has been keeping to the strict budget given by the uni, I have overcome this by price comparing and finding the best bargains and cheapest shops. I have learnt the importance of comprimising as I have to keep to the budget which is of key importance and therefore let the supervisors know that they cant have everything!